Wild Despair is a cathartic dance performance that channels the emotional turbulence of our climate emergency and meta crisis into a powerful call for personal transformation, collective action, and planetary healing.

Wild Despair

Elana Meta helps us confront the polarizing forces paralyzing society, empowering us to meet this pivotal moment with boldness and humility. In Wild Despair, we begin to sense the energy, eros, and aliveness within ourselves and everything around us. The dance makes a profound impact, guiding us to connect with the natural world within—a space where our most personal, joyful, and challenging parts of ourselves come alive, ready to be transformed. This immersive experience reminds us that to change our world, we must first deeply feel it—so we can heal it.

Live Performance

Wild Despair is a ten-minute dance performance that transforms our sense of separateness into a sacred, ineffable connection—essential for thriving in the complexity of our times. The performance is enriched by the music of Grammy-nominated Colombian Spanish guitar composer Camila Celin.


Wild Despair is a 45 to 60 minute guided dance journey that leads participants through ten emotions, spiraling from grief to love and wholeness. Throughout this experience, they are guided into the emotional depths, unlocking and embodying a transformative connection to themselves and the world around them. By the end, they leave with a sense of catharsis and renewed energy to carry into their work, life, and relationships.

Wild Despair: The Film

Wild Despair, the short film, coming soon, is a cinematic and emotionally charged journey, set to music by Joel Shearer and Justin Boreta, that guides viewers through a transformative experience of ten emotions, spiraling from confusion to grief to love and wholeness.

Looking for compelling interactive art at your event?

Host Wild Despair as an experiential art piece at your event, conference, gathering, or dinner to spark conversation and group coherence. This journey invites everyone into their bodies, through the vulnerability of personal pain and the collective heartbreak of our world, fostering the vital conversations that reconnect us with active hope and a renewal of potential.

For bookings